Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend camping trip and downhill mountain biking

Here's some pictures from our camping trip this past weekend in Port Angeles. Mike and his buddy David went with a group camping and downhill biking on an old logging area. They all made a new trail and worked on the old ones and then played until their legs gave out. I also added some pictures from Annie's revenge for being left alone for too long, the guest room before and after, and the view from my current office window.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Here is our new addition to the clan, our new 10 week old kitten Katinka.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Job so far and the spare room

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted on here. I have just been so dang busy!! The job is going really well. I had my training on Monday and then worked at the Women's and Children's clinic in Silverdale. It is gorgeous!!! It is at the back end of Harrison Hospital and we get the end with the best view. The entire side wall is windows that overlook the sound and mountains. I'll remember to take some pictures, the ones above are of the hospital and one of the views...yes costco too. So far my manager has said I've done a great job and she knew I would be perfect for the job. The second day I was there scanning files I realized how frustrating their program is compared to the one I used at the medical billing office. I decided to spend some time searching the program settings to try to make it for time efficient. My time paid off.

Originally when we scanned a certain section of documents within a file we had to break that section up by single sided and double sided forms while keeping them in order. Meaning that I would scan single sided, switch the setting to double sided, switch it back and scan single sided. Basically it took a lot of unnecessary time. I found a setting that allowed me to plop the whole section in the scanner and it would automatically remove any blank pages in the system. That way I didn't have to take the time to sort them. I played with the pigments to find the setting that best read all the forms without accidentally deleting an important form. Also, I set it so that after you scanned a section a pop-up word pad would tell you which pages had their backs deleting. That way if it deleted one you need you would know right away and would be able to correct it. I know....confusing. Anyway, I about jumped out of my seat when I finally got it to work and could propose the switch to the clinic manager, CEO, and I.T. manager. I first explained my little discovery to the clinic manager. She was completely overjoyed. She kept saying, " I knew it from the day I met you in the interview that you would be perfect! I can't believe you found this...holy cow! This is huge! I have to call every clinic manager." She couldn't stop saying how excited she was. She left and went to her office to call everyone to let them know. I was ecstatic! Only my second day on the job and I already had my name known to all the clinic managers and the head honchos! Then yesterday my manager came to talk to me after she attended the manager's meeting. She said that she proposed my idea to everyone and they were jumping through the roof. They were exclaiming that I should get a raise and were praising my name basically. I don't mean to brag, but I was just smitten to hear that all the managers knew my name and decided to approve my idea on my second day!! So yeah...I kicked butt this week!

Enough about me, Mike had a great work week too. He had his review and his manager gave him an excellent review and said that most guys in that position never get as great of praise as he got. Then yesterday his manager said that he fought with another manager over who gets him. It looks like he will be getting a nice bonus for his work at the end of the year. Also, the other manager won and gets Mike I believe sometime next week for some work on one of the battle subs. Mike's being very humble as usual, but he is doing outstanding. I am so proud of us both. We finally finished the spare room and it looks great. We have been enjoying reading and listening to classical music every night. We both are very busy, but looking forward to a muddy bike ride tomorrow. I'm very excited to get out and explore this great area. I'll make sure to take pictures of that too.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mike's vw

Here's Mike breaking in the new tires.

Job update and new pictures

So I got the job!!! I am so very excited!!! I will start my training on Monday and then I will be working at the women's and children's clinic here in Bremerton, which is about five minutes away! My position is a Health Information Technician which basically means I'm the person who comes into the offices and updates all medical files and records into the computer system creating electronic files. The plan is to bring all clinics to be on electronic files only. I am very excited since this is exactly what I was doing at the medical billing office. It will be such a relief on Mike and I financially to have that extra cushion to put into savings and towards paying off bills and debts. Wish me luck on my first week! I have added some pictures from this weekend of me dressing the girls up in sweaters since they were a little chilly, Isis getting a bath, the enormous spider found in the bathroom, and my first drawing for my art class.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

tree climbers

Who knew they had it in them to climb trees? We were playing frisbee and one landed in the tree and they went right after it.....hilarious! Here is also Mike and Isis enjoying breakfast and coffee. With Mike's new bike lights he will never ride in the dark again! We tried them out the other night riding to get some groceries and they were brighter than most car headlights! Now he wont have an excuse for hitting anything on his bike rides.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A beach in Silverdale

Here's some pictures from a beach we had lunch at in Silverdale today.

Driving around

Here's some pictures from the freeway driving to Silverdale. See it doesn't always rain!

Fish taco night!

Thanks to Mike's Aunt Wendy and Uncle Chris we got some great halibut and a fish taco recipe. They came out very delicious. We were stuffed and the dogs too....from their mutt chunks that is.